Frank Moll – Double Solo show – October 2021 – “Abglanz”
“In my new series “Abglanz” I have logged the positive experiences I have on a daily basis and transformed them into a visual metaphor.
This series is less about narrative and more about mindfulness.
I observe and log my daily activities and experiences: what I consume, where I go, what I do and any people that cross my path – hour-by hour, methodological and objective.
At the end of each day, I reflect and evaluate these notes based on a subjective measure of positive and negative experiences and impressions. I have created a rating system that allows me to give each day a numeric value, using a simple formula. This value is thus made visual on the canvas, a unique vertical line that represents my personal ‘positivity water level’.
‘ABGLANZ’ is a series that reflects the actions of my life. I am not trying to tell a story, I am simply observing, documenting and reflecting on my daily actions; passing through time: art self-tracking.”
Frank Moll – Germany October 2021.